"Please Turn and Cough"
Today, I am a man. Work has not been good to me this month. The money supply is low. To fix this I decided to sign up as a student patient for the University of Nevada, Reno's Office of Medical Examination (a.k.a. OEM). My job was to go into a cold clinical room, undress, and have six (yes I said six) first year medical students perform a genital and rectal exam on me. They were under the direction of a very nice and kind 4th year medical student, but it was still the most interesting thing that I have ever done. The genital exam was not that bad (with the exception of the hernia test. This is where they stick their finger in a guys genital canal, right behind the scrotum, and have you turn and cough), however the rectal exam was not as easy. The first years did not have the "touch" that they should have had. It was rough, it tended to burn sometimes, and one guy missed by TWO FULL INCHES! He hit the bottom of my balls! Now, I am not a medical student, but I at least know where a human rectum is. I am done ranting, I will go back to my normal poems now, but I had to tell that to anyone who cares.p.s.-Incase you cared, I got paid $60.00 and hour to do it, so it was worth it for an extra $120.00!
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