3: "I hate to change"
2: "I love to change"
1: "I change"
Explosion of colors.
Clown is everywhere.
Explosion of feelings.
Human is everywhere.
Gay people do not have sex.
Gay people fuck.
I am not gay,
I like to have sex.
I do not like to fuck.
I am a straight romantic.
Depression hurts everywhere.
Depression hurts everyone.
Depression leads to booze.
Booze leads to blogging.
Blogging leads out of depression.
Psychologist are wrong.
Booze fixes depression.
Labels: Life
To drink is an act of defeat.
You are defeated by the weakness inside of you.
The weakness grows by the sip.
It does not feel good to be defeated.
To drink is to give up.
It is to give up on living for one night.
Many people call this a release.
I call it a defeat.
To drink is to be me.
I do not like being drunk.
I am drunk every once in a while.
Everyone is defeated now and then.
To drink is to be reborn.
I am reborn with a hangover.
This makes me stronger.
Being stronger makes me want another drink.
The hangover keeps me from being an alcoholic.
Hangovers are my guiding force to balance.
Right now I cannot balance.
I need a hangover.
Labels: Life
SNL Induced Thought
I often create conversations in my head.
This is one of them.
Me: Hello how have you been?
Other Me: Good, how is life treating you?
Me: It only hurts when I laugh.
I hurt for a while after this.
I think the Other Me was my ex girlfriend in a conversation that I was hopeing would happen.
This made me hurt even more.
Labels: Me
Death by life
People die all of the time.
People are born all of the time.
Tears are shed over both.
A person should feel sad over the death.
A person should feel happy over the birth.
A human should feel nothing.
What is a quipist?
What is a human?
There you go.
The one who can let go of shock.
Shock is the hand across the face of life.
To be shocked is to not know what you truly have.
To be calm is to understand all.
Only then can you desire death.
Only upon yearning for death can you lean to live.
Life is not ended by death.
Death is not ended by life.
True LIVING happens when one embraces both and fails to care about either.
Labels: Life
I like eating.
I like friends.
I like college.
Money is needed for all of these.
Pay for food.
Pay debts to friends to keep them friends.
Pay tuition and books.
I do not like choosing.
Quiz time:
I do not like being like everyone else.
Everyone goes through this.
Everyone bitches about it too.
NOT everyone quips about it on a blog for the world to see.
Fucked feels good.
Labels: Life
Tale of pointless pity
The difference between shallow people, realists, and a quipist.
A realist sees an overweight individual and sees everything that makes the world compassionate.
A shallow person sees an overweight individual and sees their deepist fears.
A quipist sees neither.
The world is right because of the compassion felt by the realist.
The world is wrong because of the fear felt by the shallow person.
The world isn't because the quipist refuses to allow it.
Start story/ Two men/One woman/Weight/One fear/Fear of becoming/Fear of liking/One compassion/Compassion of understanding/Understanding onself/Outsiders/Shun fear/Embrace compassion/Assume peace/Third man/Insults woman/Shuns fear/Ignores compassion/Assumes nothing/Achieves peace/End story.
The realist believes that compassion will cause a change in fat.
The shallow person believes that cruelty will cause a change in fat.
The quipist knows that fat caused a change in the realist and the shallow person.
Labels: Life
The start of the quipist
I cannot believe the amount of people that I dislike in this world.
Every time I blink the number seems to grow without reason.
I am here to vent my disbelief at the amount of stupidity in this world.
See, being violent does not work well with a pacifist . . .
Labels: Me