Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Here is an AIM conversation that I had with a great friend of mine. I think it carries a real message . . .

[08:43] blade901874 (her): no I hate ALL japnese animation, except Final Fantasy and those games
[08:43] supersophist (I): I do not care for them either, but I would not say that I HATE them ...
[08:44] blade901874: I HATE them I really do
[08:44] blade901874: I spend enough time around people who are obsessive with them that it actually drive me across the line into hatred
[08:45] supersophist: "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned."
[08:45] supersophist: lol
[08:45] blade901874: *shakes head and rolls eyes*
[08:46] supersophist: Dislike is ok however
[08:46] supersophist: HAHA
[08:46] blade901874: no I really hate it
[08:46] blade901874: every time I see some, it makes me want to throw a kitten into a ceiling fan
[08:47] supersophist: HAHAHA, you are so cruel . . . it is great
[08:47] supersophist: lol
[08:47] blade901874: lol yep
[08:47] blade901874: but its true
[08:47] blade901874: throw a puppy into traffic
[08:47] blade901874: kick a baby into a snake pit
[08:47] blade901874: pick your poison
[08:47] supersophist: For the baby?
[08:48] blade901874: no pick which one you want out of those
[08:48] supersophist: *shakes head* nvm
[08:49] blade901874: yea so you see I hate it
[08:49] supersophist: I got that by the third dead creature
[08:50] blade901874: yea

The moral of the story? No matter how you express it, Japanese animation is intolerable.
