Saturday, February 03, 2007

Life City Limits. Population: Lonely

There she is, right in front of me. She is always right in front of me. All I have to do is close my eyes and she appears in all of her angelic glory. She is always mouthing the same thing to me . . . "I love you."

Whenever I need to escape from the world, I know that I can look inside my eyelids to repeat this image over and over. Alas, it is but a dream, but my love for her still burns inside of me like a wild forest fire. I have opened the doorway of my heart, inviting her in but she choose instead to stand in the cold with the familiar, the comforting, the status quo. The door is still open, but I can feel the heat escaping evermore each day. I do not know how much longer this can continue before the heat is gone and the heart is dead. I do not want to give up . . . I cannot give up. I know that if I can hold out long enough, she will see the true passion that I can give her and she will begin to appreciate it. If I close the door again, I fear that it will be for a final time.

The view of her and her every move keeps replaying in my minds eye. I see her gracefully gliding across the room, or beautifully speaking the silky soft words of her native tongue. That laugh is always echoing in the hallowed corridors of my gutted chest, while those wonderfully inviting eyes melt away all of my worries and allow me to just enjoy the pure presence of her heavenly being. This is not just a passionate love, this is compassionate. This is heartbreak. This is life, welcome to it . . .
