Sunday, May 13, 2007


So I completely spaced on telling everyone that I FINALLY loaded all 333 pictures from my trip to Europe on my website. If you would like to check it out, go to Feel free to comment about them below and please enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Break's Over

So it seems that I have taken April off from blogging. Believe me this was in no way intentional, but I see now that it was needed. A lot has happened since my last blog, but more importantly a lot has changed. After having my lovely girlfriend (Mz. Mraz) move in with me, I have not been so lonely. It is nice having someone other than my rabbit to come home to at night, (thought the rabbit is a way killer pet). This lack of loneliness started to make me think that I had no more to be sad or worried about (odd enough I think that this is why I stopped blogging for a while). Never the less, I felt great until the money problems hit. I started drowning in a world of debt and had no life jacket on. Life sucked once again. However this is where the change came in. Instead of getting really worried or stressed, I instead turned to Buddhism. In the teachings of the enlightened one, it says that one must remove their attachments to worldly desires. This includes money and stuff (stuff being a technical term). I need to try and have more of a 'Who Cares!' attitutude towards money woes. The Buddha was right when he said that nothing is permanent, that means that even if I was well off, there could be a chance that I would lose it, so I would be stressed and worried all of the time anyway, thus I would suffer. Most of my life I have suffered over one thing or another, but I think that it is time to stop. I have made a declaration to myself to stop being extreme in my emotions. I know that if I do not let myself feel extreme sadness, I will not feel it. I know that I am the master of only myself, but to be happy that is all I need. I see the real nature of this simple solution in everyone around me. I see my co-workers get upset at rude guests (I work for a 4 star resort, incase you didn't know) and then they have to 'take a break' to get over it. If they were able to see the light and realize that all they had to do was BE happy then they would not be sad. I mean it is such a simple but powerful concept that I feel that I should be telling the whole world about it. I will admit that it is hard at times, but at least I have accepted that it is the best way to reach peacefulness. I do not understand how people refuse to embrace this idea. No offence to my lover, but she is definatly still in the dark. When she is sad, she refuses to accept that she is sad for no other reason, except that she made herself sad. And when I try to tell her that, she get more upset. It is really hard for me not to laugh sometimes, because I see such a simple way out of it, that the problem that she thinks is ruining her life seems so small. I wish that I could show that to her, but the Buddha was right in saying that you can control non but yourself. So for now I will just settle for blogging about my beliefs and hope that someone reads and embraces them. It would be great if some of my guests would embrace them, then I would not have such a high turnover rate in the office!