Friday, February 16, 2007

The Temperature of the water

So here is the plan for the life shifting event that I want to undertake. I want to move because it is overall a better choice for me. The schools are better than in Reno, the Clark Community College wants to give me 1,500 dollars to debate for them for a year. Also, the jobs are better. I could get a job with the embassy suites in reservations for $11.50 an hour. The job would be just outside of Vancouver in Portland OR and that is quite a bit more than I make now. Also, I have an opportunity with a possible love interest up there, which (as you all should know) is very important to me. Overall, I cannot find a downfall to Vancouver . . . save one; my wonderful friends. Fuzzy, Kattitude, Kaninka, Shananaginz, and all of the people at the Dojo are going to be so hard to leave. I am also going to live farther from my Dad than I have ever lived before and this scares me.

I need a change though, I feel like this city is drowning me in a pool of its filth. I see so much behavior that I do not agree with. For instance, I was on the bus during VD and I overheard a woman BRAGGING about how she duped her boyfriend into thinking that she was going to be at her mothers while she was actually cheating on him at the Adventure Inn!!! I thought to myself, "While sad, I will find this behavior anywhere I go." However, when I heard FOUR OTHER WOMEN brag about how, they too, would be cheating that day, I realized that this has to be a product of a town where nothing is sacred. Everything is an illusion in Reno, nothing has meaning. People that come here do not want a real and caring environment, they want cheap sex, booze, and entertainment. Not only are the people that live here more than happy to give that, they end up living that life style themselves. I am soooo sick of this mentality in a populace. I do not think that I can take this for another five years, until I am done with my Masters. I want to live in a community where the main purposes are education (college town), and raising a family (white picket fence idea). I see this in Vancouver. I have some friends that live there and I have studied the town extensively and have decided that I could be happy there. The real test is going to be when I visit over spring break and see if I like the environment and 'feel' of the town.

As far as the logistic of the move go, I am still looking at ideas. If any of you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Damn, I'm going to miss my friends . . .
