Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Someone WILL Loose Their Job For This

Today has been one hell of a day. I did the usual "go to class, sleep, dick around on the computer, insult fat people, come home" shit, but when I got home there was a surprise in my mailbox. No, I did not get an unexpected shipment of glow in the dark condoms from Rip n' Roll. I got a $1000.00 online shopping spree from Nissan of Reno. It is not the best deal, I still have to pay shipping, but I can get a full leather trench coat for $29.99 (anyone want one?).

After a great dinner with my father at Indian Kabab, I went home and checked my mail to find an out of place letter.

Before I continue, I must tell you about my follies to establish credit. I have been trying to establish credit since I was 18. My father has terrible credit, so having a co-signer was never an option. I was on my own to get a credit card. I have applied for every card that I thought that I could get, and was turned down for all of them. Finally about two months ago, I got a card offer from capital one and thought is odd seeing as just the month prior they had turned me down. I applied anyway hoping that there might be a slight chance in hell that I would get approved. Well, after that I forgot all about it.

It was not until today that I remembered it. I opened a letter that I got from Capital One telling me that I could increase my credit limit to $500 by using my card ending in **** (ya right, I am not retarded!). I was blown away. I thought to myself, "I have a credit card?!" After calling and confirming, I was approved for a $400 limit, preferred card one and a half months ago, and did not even know it. So they are sending me the Card via express mail and I will load it in to my wallet a happy person.

Someone is going to loose their job over this decision . . .
