Friday, March 02, 2007

Converse With Me

I am living in a generation of people that do not realize what they have lost. Among talent, personal ambition, romance, and respect, my generation has lost the art of conversation. I know that the majority of the populace can talk. They can order a ninety-nine cent double cheeseburger from McD's, but there have been monkeys that can do that. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to be a grammar Nazi, mine can be pretty horrible at times! I just think that we need more deep, meaningful conversations in our every day lives. It seems that people have put a negative spin upon talking about subjects where there is no clear answer. Whether the topic is taboo or just complicated, people react in the same way; "I don't know about that, but have you heard about Brittany Spears' new hair cut?" I'm sorry, how could I make such a mistake, of course the hair style of some washed up has been blond bitch is more important that the human condition to constantly want. Never mind that the reason that I am paying for your meal is because of that exact tendency and your inability to control it. Fuck off.

I was having dinner with my best friend 'fuzzy' the other day and we were having a wonderful conversation on how deeply economic scarcity is embedded in our psyche. As he was trying to prove to me that humans do not need an economy, a gentleman seated at the table adjacent to us turned to fuzzy and politely said, "I do not mean to eavesdrop, but you are very wrong." After, I had a very long laugh, we continued to have an AMAZING conversation with this new gentleman and his dining partner. I still do not know their names or social status, but that does not matter. At that point in time all that mattered was the conversation and the thoughts being exchanged within it. This was the highlight of my week. I was floating on cloud nine for the rest of the evening, and can still get a little high from just the thought of it.

I guess I just want to surround myself with people that are happy conversing for the sake of the growth of the people of the conversation, not just to communicate. I do not think that I can find that in great enough quantity here in Reno, but I night be able to in Vancouver.

Lastly, fuzzy you are wrong. Humans have always and will always constantly want more and more until there is nothing left. Show me one instance where a *large* (key word here) group of people were able to live for a long period of time without scarcity? That's right . . . bitch . . .
